Monday, August 29, 2011

Following the Head

I don't think there have been too many times I haven't rolled with the heart in decision making.  Well, I am at a crossroads and the heart-following hasn't cut it this time.  Today, I made a conscious decision to go with my head and trust God that maybe there is purpose in this.  I am pressing ahead with what makes sense, taking the male mind-set and going with it.  I am anxious to see how God leads as I take this step of faith in hope that this following will bring me to something new, something exciting and something the heart couldn't have found otherwise!  :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I was told I was self-centered a week ago... not what I wanted to hear, nor what I expected to hear.  Follow me on this, though.  People who have been placed in unhealthy situations naturally develop insecurity.  We are not comfortable with insecurity so we try to make sure we are in situations we can control or at the very least know what is going to happen (and know it ahead of time) so that we feel... secure.  We do this to settle any fear or distrust that a given situation may bring.  By doing this we become centered on self.  Once explained to me that way, I AM self-centered... I do exactly what I stated above.  Now that I am aware of the issue, the healing begins ... I need to seek the Lord to settle the fear and distrust issues I have in order that I may live life in the fullness He intended for me - as a secure person in Him!  Whew.... such a work in process.  :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

"Priority" vs "Option"

"Don't make somebody a priority if they only make you an option." I have been thinking on this quote a lot over the last couple of weeks. What does one do with a relationship in which you are only a "option" especially... if you would like to be a "priority"? Or better yet... if you were once a "priority" and now you are only a "option"? Oh the questions that must come to mind in such a scenario.

My first thought is that God made us a "priority" when we weren't even considering Him an "option". Where would we be if He hadn't? ... I wonder what a person who considered me an "option" would do if I went above that and made them a "priority"? Would love win out as it did with God and me or how long would it take for my enthusiasm with the relationship to fizzle and for my "priority" to become the "option" I am to them?

I am so glad God's love for us is perfect. We will always be His "priority" no matter if He is only an "option" to us. I praise Him for that perfect love and pray that I see those that put me as a "priority" in the same light they see me and that I continue to love those, with the love God has shown me, that see me as only an "option".

May Love win out in the end.