Friday, January 20, 2012

Welcome, 2012!

It's a new year and I am excited to see what God has in store.  The year started with a wonderfully blessed trip to Mexico.  I found Him in the beauty all around but mainly in the power of the ocean, the way the current pulled from below and the waves toppled from above guiding the waters in just a whirl of power.  Now, back to reality... my life in 2012.  God has spoken clearly about my making a move back to the Twin Cities area.  He is so good and being this blog is about how He speaks to me, I must share... I have always wanted to move back to the cities, that was never a secret to anyone.  The company I work for opened a office there and they were very excited to move me there, having someone they trust and someone who knows the business in the new location.  It has all just been one open door after another and very exciting.  My next step is finding that location that God would have me reside... another opportunity to follow His lead.  I have 3 places to look at next week and I look forward to watching and following as He leads me to just the perfect place He has for me.  I am reminded of Psalm 32:8 "I will make you wise and show you where to go.  I will guide and watch over you."  Makes me smile knowing I have one so great to guide me.  I love Him!  :)